Monday, May 21, 2007

Highlights of Our Trip

Meeting my big brother. Oh, he's so cute

I will hold you safe and secure forever.

Thank you God she is so precious!

Finally my angel in my arms. The love I felt for this little bundle was overwheling!

Angleina checking out the paperwork. Smart girl.

Angelina is smiling at us. Happy day!!! May 8, 2007


Having an emotional moment. When everyone told me that it will all be worth it, NOW I KNOW WHAT THEY MENT!!!! WHAT A RELIEF AND WHAT A FEELING!!!

Last minute check on paperwork before having Angelina in our arms!

Sheer caos! Everything moved very fast from here on.

Expecting mothers - excited but a little nervous!

Siblings excited to meet their new sisters.

All the expecting fathers and Christopher.

Getting ready to meet Angelina for the first time. We're all wearing Mickey Mouse motif outfits and I'm wearing earings from my Korean mom and necklace from my American mom. I feel them all with me.

Check out the crib for Angelina. Our room at the Dolton, nice and comfy.

Dolton Hotel in Changsha - absolutely beautiful - we will be here for the next 8 days.

Beijing airport - on our way to Changsha and to Angelina!

Every meal looked like this - lazy susan with lots of food. Sometimes we had buffet.

Tenamen Square - Christopher loved hanging out with our guide Guilan

Chinese acrobatic show

Great Wall of China

Christopher looking tough at the Summer Palace.

Met Guilan - our tour guide that stayed with us for the entire trip.

Made new friends - Elaine and Michael Lo (mom and dad to Amanda)

Went right to sightseeing to Summer Palace. Didn't even get to unpack and check after traveling for over 23 hours.

Waiting for our bus in Beijing

Arrived safely in China May 5, 2007
We're here!

Start of our journey from Newark airport on May 4, 2007.

Please check out the auction and help!

Happy May everyone!

We are writing our update a week early because today is the start of our
"Born in My Heart" art auction, with 100% of the proceeds going to heal
Children's' hearts in China. Volunteers have worked all year long to put
This event together, and you truly can help save the life of a child by
Bidding on any of the more than 250 items listed. (Items will load all day
Today). I love this event so much, as we always have so many children
Waiting for heart surgery, and many are critical. So many times a child
Needs to be moved immediately to save his or her life, and Born in My Heart
Allows us to help those who are urgent. Thanks for spreading the news
About this event from May 18-23rd. I would be so grateful if you have a
Blog, if you could let even more people know. The items are beautiful and
The need is great. Together we can heal the hearts of some truly incredible
Kids. http://www.lovewith outboundaries. com/ArtAuction. php

Our May newsletter is now online and is filled with so many great stories.
You will definitely want to read about Baby Wang's journey, as it shows the
Beauty of the kindness of the strangers, and also the story of HuaHua, as a
Gift of great joy came from a great tragedy:
http://www.lovewith outboundaries. com/Archive/ GeneralMay2007. pdf

Several LWB education volunteers are in China now selecting locations for
Our next Believe in Me schools. These schools for kids with special needs
Offer children who have been unable to attend public school a chance to
Learn and experience the joy of music, books, and more. Yesterday
Volunteers visited our second such school in Hunan, and I read their report
With tears in my eyes as I heard how the kids were giggling and laughing and
Were filled with newly found confidence and self esteem. You can see some
Of the photos on our blog at http://www.lwbchina blog.blogspot. com/. We
Will have much more information on the new schools next month.

Other exciting news from this month include new foster care programs in
Yunnan province and Zhengzhou, Henan province, our Manual of Special Needs
Being translated into Spanish, the end of a very successful neurosurgery
Mission at Shanghai Children's Hospital in partnership with the Shepherd's
Crook and Dr. Lazareff from UCLA, and a new nutrition program for the kids
In the Foshan orphanage of Guangdong. You can read more about all of this
In our newsletter. I ask myself just about every day how big an
Organization can get that is run completely by volunteers all over the
World, and every day I am reminded that when people with a pure love of
Helping children come together..nothing is too big to accomplish.

Please doodle hearts all over your calendar and daily planner to remind
Yourself that some special children are waiting for heart surgery. And
Visit our heart auction today to play a part in healing them! Thank you
For helping us change their lives.

From our hearts to theirs,

Amy Eldridge

Executive Director

Love Without Boundaries Foundation

"Every Child Counts"


Friday, May 18, 2007


Great Grandma LeMaire making Angelina laugh!


Grandma Roberta and me


So tired from traveling over 24 hours!


Decorated lovingly by FCCLI family members


Not sure about this car seat!


Yeahhhhh we're in the USA!!!

We arrived at Newark airport 15 minutes early from Hong Kong today. We started our travels at 4:00a.m. from Guangzhou, China on May 18th and arrived home May 18th at 6:30p.m. We have been traveling for over 24 hours, so needless to say we are all VERY tired but extremely happy to be home. Once home Angelina and I fell asleep while daddy and Christopher unpacked.

So far Angelina has been on a plane three times (great traveler like her big brother!), came to USA, had her first car ride (didn't like the car seat), met Uncle Steven and saw her home for the first time (it was lovingly decorated by my FCCLI families and friends. Thank you all, the house looked beautiful and it was a awesome sight to come home to).

Many of you may have wondered why we did not post after the 10th. The internet in China was soooooo slow and we had to navigate in chinese. At times we would have to start over b/c we lost everything. Also, we were on the go constantly. We really had a hard time finding the hour to two hours we needed to post. I will update with the rest of our trip after some shut eye.