Thursday, July 26, 2007

Swim Lesson and Life in General

Angelina truly touches everyone she comes in contact with. She is growing and experiencing new things and loves just about everything except getting her face washed. She will be starting physical therapy next week to help her strengthen her legs. Angelina gets around pretty good even though she isn't crawling yet. She finally figured out how to sit up on her own and now she waves hi and bye. She is eating like crazy, everthing I eat she wants and she will try it all, some stays in the mouth others I wear!

We are still in awe of her. Bill, Christopher and I just want to play with her all the time. It's truly an awesome experience!

Four generation of LeMaires

Swimming with Grandpa Bill, dada and Christopher

How do you like my babushka? Afterall I am part Russian on my father's side!

Who needs toys???!!! I have THE red cup!

Great grandma LeMaire is soooo much fun. She always entertains me with songs.

At the beach again, showing off my favorite bathing suit from Cousin Linda, Joe and Jack.

Big brother Christopher and cousin Morgan. Future rock stars!

My first for grandma Roberta's birthday.

First BBQ on Great grandma LeMaire's new furniture and BBQ. 2007

I'm gonna soar high and always reach for the stars, dada will help me!

I'm a present for Mama and Dada oh and Christopher too.

Dada is always kissing and I love it!

emily with mom - look I'm swimming!

Emily, our host. She is so good about sharing her wonderful toys and she has lots of great toys.

Double infection - not feeling so good. We chose not to do the swim lessons but we go for the socialization and playtime.

Christopher and mom - first time at the swim, they had a ball.

Theresa and Emily with their moms

I love watching my friends swim during their swim lesson

Thursday, July 12, 2007

First Ear Infection

Making new friends. Evan is 4 months old.

Met cousin Kyle for the first time. What a cutie.

Help me out of this floatie!


Love the pool!

Angelina has been with us now for 2 months. It seems like she has always been with us. She has really adjusted well. She loves to eat just about everything and sleeps through the night and takes 2 naps during the day. She is now 16 lbs and 14ozs and 27 3/4 inches. Lately, she feels like she weighs a lot more. Angelina has had a high fever and double ear infection for the last five days and she will not let me put her down. Couple of sleepless nights but we're all getting better now.

We had an Early Intervention Evaluation this week. Angelina will be starting Physical Therapy twice a week for at least the next 6 months. Between Christopher and Angelina we have 3 therapist coming to the house around the clock. All good.

Since the initial evaluation Angelina has been making great progress. She is now attempting to crawl, feeds herself (very independent), hold the bottle and is babbling like crazy. She also loves the pool and doesn't like to be in the floatie. Angelina is a pure delight, she laughs all the time, even when she was really sick she still smiled at us most of the time. We keep staring at her to see if this is all real. We are sooooo lucky to have her in our lives. She melts the hearts of everyone she comes in contact with.

Angelina has been to her first baseball game and saw fireworks. She loved it!!!!! Got lots of attention and made friends with people that were sitting next to us. She also celebrated her first 4th of July and Daddy (5), Mommy(7) and Grandma's (10) birthday.
