Saturday, February 27, 2010

Angelina is Growing!

It hardly seems possible that is has been 3 years since we came home with Angelina. So much has been happening in our lives that it's hard to keep up with the blog.

Angelina has been thriving and growing and puts a smile on everyone she encounters. She is a pure delight and so ment for us. Angelina will be 4 on June 1st and has been in school since she was two. This year she has been going to the local echo program for 3 year olds and also attends Kidnastics where I work. This will be the only time that she will be in high school with Christopher!! She loves school and anything to do with learning. She can sit for hours while we read to her or she will sit and read by herself. She can read level one books pretty much herself. Her cousin Morgan teaches her how to read and they play school all the time. Angelina also loves to play with her best friend Autumn and her big brother Christopher. She just recently met her other older brother Steven and she adores him as well. Although we don't see too much of him.

Angelina keeps busy attending Christopher's activities but she also has her own such as karate, yoga, gymnastics and dance/movement classes. In between she likes to go to birthday parties and hang with her family.

It's such a delight to watch her try new things. She totally embraces each new experience and has very little fears. She adjusts very well to new situations and makes friends easily. And of course now that she has found her voice she has lots to say. She has a reason and an explaination for everything that she is doing. It all somehow seems to make sense to her!! Like the time she took all her toys and covered her bedroom floor and told me that she made a master piece. Of course she got Christopher to help and was very proud of her artwork. What can you say to a Master Piece!

At the moment we are looking forward to Spring and Summer. It seems that this year she likes the snow but last year she did not want to have anything to do with cold or snow. Wow, what a difference a year makes. She also loved sled riding until she fell flat on her face and decided that was not a "good idea", her words.

As time goes by we are all more and more in love with her. Most of all it's so awesome to watch her with her big brother Christopher. They have such an incredible bond and they totally understand each other. Angelina loves to boss him around and he loves it. Christopher totally adores her and will do anything for her. The love they have for each other is so beautiful to watch.

Bill and I wake up every morning saying "thank you" for our wonderful kids. They truly make our hearts sing.

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